Friday, March 5, 2010


It hasn't helped my attitude that my dinner date this evening just called to announce he had a late lunch and is still on the LIE when he was supposed to be home hours ago, but I'm having a lousy ride. It's a given that I'm going to share a seat but there's a nice way to do it, and there is a piss-me-off way to do it. I prefer you do it the nice way. You see, I have not spent my life, my day or even the last five minutes waiting for you.

I got the seat five minutes ago.

I got my ticket out.

I got my iPod out.

I checked my email.

So, I didn't see you standing there right away. You could have said, "excuse me," or "may I sit there?" But no, you just stood there and when I looked up, you continued standing there, glaring at me. And even after I started to move my stuff out of your way, you continued to glare at me, just to make sure I understood the gravity of not anticipating your arrival and preparing ahead to accomodate your seating needs. Hey, this was a seat on a crowded rush hour train. I did not steal your husband or your money...I was just sitting in a seat that you happen to think belongs to you.

Next time, get there early if you want to claim sovereignity over the 5:12.

Now, have a nice weekend.

Ya bitch.

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