Sunday, March 7, 2010

NJ Transit Rate Hikes

To be clear, I am not anti-NJ Transit. However, the impending service hikes are so extreme, they signal something inherently wrong with the management of the organization. You know my regular rants about delays, poor maintenance and inconsistent customer service. NJ Transit offers far-from-optimal service as is -- what in the world will life be like with fewer conductors, fewer trains, reduced service and maintenance and a fare increase?

This feels like another corporate bailout I am being forced to subsidize without knowing exactly what steps NJ Transit is prepared to take to introduce new efficiencies. The proposed layoffs of 200 staff and fare hikes of up to 30 percent are extreme, particularly in an economy where I will be lucky to see a one or two percent salary increase -- if I see any raise at all.

I am willing to pay my fair share. I am willing to absorb a reasonable increase - but 30 percent? No. No indeed. My commute is already nearly $400 a month including monthly fare, parking and mileage to Jersey Avenue. That is a not insignificant percentage of my salary -- a salary that is already strained under the burden of increased costs for nearly all of monthly necessities.

So with that said, I invite my fellow riders to sign the petition at www/ Do I know these people? No. Could they have an agenda beyond the proposed increase? Maybe, sure. But if this petition can -- at the very least -- get the attention of the NJ Transit executives and board, and assert the hardship these rate hikes will impose on the riding public, then I will be satisfied.

Look, everyone in this economy is paying for the free-spending sins of recent years. I know I am. But I would look to NJ Transit to implement every conceivable operating efficiency before leveling such extraordinary increases on its riders.

Sign the petition and stay tuned.

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