Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey, New Brunswick Parking Authority, the Jersey Avenue lot is a sheet of ice which makes it extremely difficult to manuever around the pedestrians who are similarly rushing to catch the 7:55 at 7:53. Leave it to me to decide not to wear my wellies this morning, so once I actually parked, I had to run on the ice in heels. Wheeeeeeee! And falling was not an option because of a weensy road rage confrontation I had with some schmuck who got dropped off in a car that blocked my access to the upper lot. (I had my pride to consider; falling in front of the guy would not be an option after my show of cool.) Yes, our parking lot gets mucked up a lot by spouses who take their Breadwinner to the train every morning. Each vye to get said Breadwinner as close as possible to the platform, which at 7:55, means clogging the already narrow upper deck with a parade of Caravans and Accords (or, a "Caravan of Accords..?) that stop, deposit passengers, then negotiate through the back-in parkers while they turn around and try to exit through the narrow corridor where I am trying to pull in. It's "kiss and go", my friends. Kiss and GO. When I have but a minute to spare and you are coming between me and a parking spot, I would appreciate it if you discussed what's for dinner, the weather or your prostate issues at another more appropriate time. Yeah, so, here's Honda Husband, taking his sweet time with the farewell to the missus while I can see the conductor on the platorm walking back towards the train to close the doors. Opting to channel my intensifying rage/panic to my hand, rather than the foot on the gas pedal, I laid on my horn, and of course that compelled this common man to stand in place and glare at me so he could effectively hold me up for another full 25 seconds. We had the staredown showdown, but our hearts weren't in it because neither of us wanted to miss the train and be stuck looking at each other in the station for twenty minutes waiting for the 8:17. (Awkward...) That was my bad, actually - I didn't plan that well - I should'a waited till I was in the clear before getting my crazy on, then we both could hollered a little and then moved on without risking the ride. Happily, though, I did make it on board and apparently he did too. Mercifully, he was not lurking inside the car, waiting to come at me with a claw hammer. Uneventful the rest of the way...

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